
Repairs and Maintenance


Alliance Auto Assist specializes in comprehensive repairs and maintenance for vehicles involved in accidents. Our service ensures your car returns to its pre-accident condition with the help of certified technicians and the latest repair technologies. We focus on restoring your vehicle's safety, performance, and appearance to the highest standards.

25 Years
Claims Processed
Located in
Derby, UK

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Repairs and Maintenance
Alliance Auto Assist
Insurance Companies
Local Auto Body Shops
National Auto Clubs
Claims Firms

Against competitors like Insurance Companies' Recommended Shops and Independent Repair Facilities, Alliance Auto Assist stands out in the Repairs and Maintenance sector for post-accident care. Our comparative bar graph illustrates our superior quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in returning vehicles to their optimal state post-accident, emphasizing our commitment to excellence in every repair and maintenance service we provide.

What repair and maintenance services does Alliance Auto Assist offer for accident-damaged vehicles?

Alliance Auto Assist provides a full suite of repair services for accident-damaged vehicles, including bodywork, paint restoration, mechanical repairs, and electrical diagnostics, ensuring a comprehensive recovery to pre-accident condition.

Can Alliance Auto Assist handle insurance claims for repairs?

Yes, we assist with the insurance claims process, working closely with your provider to ensure a smooth and efficient repair process, minimizing out-of-pocket expenses and streamlining communication.

How quickly can Alliance Auto Assist complete post-accident repairs?

We prioritize swift service, aiming to complete repairs as quickly as possible without compromising on quality, ensuring your vehicle is back on the road safely and efficiently.

Start with Alliance Auto Assist for making easy claims

Drive forward with Alliance Auto Assist, your partner in auto excellence

Investra operates in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Our services are governed by regulations such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and Truth in Lending Act (TILA). Additionally, we adhere to the standards set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and are committed to meeting the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. This adherence ensures that we maintain the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct, safeguarding your trust in our platform. Please consult our Terms and Conditions for more detailed information.